A Bit of Philosophy

We are passionate that teams form the foundation of our collective working experience. Organizations that can inspire, develop and deploy effective teams will succeed where their competitors who cannot, will fail.

The ability to form and focus as a team is a critical competence. Organizations that work to develop this competence are investing in the development of sustainable competitive advantage.

We help our clients in a variety of ways: by helping them address current business issues and develop effective teams in the process, or by focusing our efforts on the development of the team itself.

At Teamworx we use our Team Effectiveness™ model to help leaders and teams reduce friction, politics, and dysfunctional behaviour to increase productivity and engagement. We help organizations align their business strategy with their planning and execution and other team activities in order to ensure that the work of the organization gets done.

We take noise out of the system.


Ed McMahon

Ed was inspired to create Teamworx and the Teamworx Team Effectiveness Model after years of experience working with teams of all kinds. In the course of his consulting career he has provided a broad range of business process, technology, and business strategy advice to clients, with a particular emphasis on helping clients develop and deploy more effective teams.

Ed has held consulting management positions with a number of global consulting firms. His specialties include Organization Design and Organization Effectiveness, Business Transformation, Project Management, and Leadership and Team Effectiveness. He is the author of Bricks to Clicks: e-strategies that will transform your business, a best-selling business book.

Ed holds a BA from the University of Windsor, and an MBA from the Schulich School of Business.

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Address:  3027 Harvester Road
Burlington, ON
Phone: (905) 339-9502